The fall ministry season has kicked off, and the weather has finally turned to cooler temperatures and shorter days. The behind-the-scenes work of the search committees for our congregation moves forward as well. As you may be aware we currently are searching for two staff members to serve in our congregation, and I wanted to give an update on each of those processes.
The first is our Youth Minister position. Since March our youth ministry position has been filled by our interim youth minister, Grant Riehle-Moeller. We are very thankful how Grant has served the youth ministry to date. The search committee has been meeting and preparing for interviews with potential candidates. The committee is made up of myself, Sue Lopez, two members of the Governance Board (Nate Morel and Erica Pavlik), and two members-at-large from the congregation. The two members-at-large are Bob Patton, who is and has been a long time adult volunteer, and Nick Winkelman, a current youth serving in leadership in youth ministry. Bill Ziech has also been serving on this committee as the supervisor for the Youth Minister.
The progress for this team has been thorough but slow. We are currently looking for qualified candidates and are eager for your recommendations as well! We have contacted Synod leadership, networked with people currently in youth ministry and contacted our Synod schools for names. We continue the search and eagerly wait for the Lord’s provision. Please continue to lift up our youth and youth ministry leadership in this time of refinement.
Our principal search committee is also formed and working to move forward. The search committee consists of myself, three members of the Governance Board (Matt Dickson, Roxane Griesmann and Erica Pavlik), and two members-at-large. The members-at-large are Lisa Scherer and Gandhi Schlote. This group is a fairly representative sample of the demographics in our church and school, and I look forward to working with them.
Currently we are completing an updated job description as well as putting together the materials that will be mailed to potential principal candidates. We are also working with Synod leadership and networking with others in the profession to identify excellent candidates. Our hope is you will help us as well!
Please keep both of these efforts in your prayers and actively seek out people you believe might be a great addition to our team. God works through each of us, His children, and you might be the one God uses to bring a great candidate forward. Please submit any names or ideas to the office or one of our committee members. And as always, pray!
His servant and yours,
Pastor Erik Gauss